We know you’re going to have a fantastic experience at La Ronde, and we want your time with us to be fun, adventurous and care free. That is why we offer a wide range of helpful services to make sure you have everything you need to fully enjoy your day with us.
In addition to the services listed on this page, you can find more assistance to our employees at the Comptoir de renseignement, located near our main entrance.
Baby Switch
People with children smaller than 1.37 meters (54 inches) can get to the point of verification of the quantity to the entrance of each ride. At this point, simply inform the employee in place of the situation. This will allow the adult accompanying the child to move with it at the exit of the ride while the other group are in queue. Once the rest of the group arrives at the platform of the ride, the adult accompanying the child can swap places with another adult, and access the ride turn! Some conditions apply.
Bathroom/Drinking fountains
Bathrooms and drinking fountains are located at the main entrance of La Ronde. To know where are located the nearest bathroom, please see the park map by clicking here.
In addition, La Ronde’s bathroom are provided with adapted spaces suitable for guests with disabilities, with the exception of bathrooms located at the Saloon and the Village section, at the outside.
Circle of Friends
Get back to having fun faster with the safe and easy Circle of Friends. The program is FREE of charge to all guests. We offer you the opportunity to get the bracelets to any security officer or at the Comptoir de renseignements at the main entrance. The wristband can be filled out with important information including parent/guardian name and cell phone so that he or she may be easily reunited in the event the child becomes separated to the group.
Closing Time
The line for a ride may close prior to schedule depending on lines lenght.
The park gates and ticket booths close an hour before the closing of the rides.
Parking will close 2 hours before the park closes.
First Care
During the opening hours of the park, if you get a cut or scrape or need a little TLC, head over to our First Aid area located on the left side of the Spirale. If you can’t find it, don’t hesitated to ask an employee to help you!
Guests with disabilities and accessibility program
Safety is our number one priority. The core of our work is to satisfy the needs of our customers while ensuring the safety of all our visitors, inside the park.
Please note that all rides and attractions have physical restrictions in order to access them.
We invite you to consult the complete guide to our accessibility program by clicking on the link below.
If you’d prefer not to lug your belongings around with you all day, you can rent an all day storage locker. Lockers are located near the main entrance of La Ronde. Locker rentals are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The fees for the location are:
Locker – Regular | $10 |
Locker – Jumbo | $13 |
Taxes are includes. You can pay with a credit card or debit card to rent the lockers that lock electronically with a PIN Code.
Lost and Found
Don’t worry — it may have already been found! Just head over to the information desk (Comptoir de renseignement) near the main entrance to validate whether your item has been found or to report a lost item. If you report a lost item and we find him after you leave, do not worry, we will contact you as soon as possible. For details on the procedures to follow to recover your lost item, please see our page “Lost and found” page here. La Ronde is not responsible for anything that is lost, stolen or broken. Please be aware of pre-ride announcements, and secure all loose articles before boarding the ride.
Lost Parents/Children
If your child gets lost or separated from your party, don’t panic! Go directly to the Comptoir de renseignement near the main entrance to give a physical description of your child. Or contact a La Ronde employee or security officer for assistance. Small children separated from their parents will be taken to our Comptoir de renseignements located near our main gate. Try to stay calm, we always find your little adventurers.
Because we don’t broadcast pages in the park, we encourage you to establish a meeting place in case your group becomes separated.
Park Announcements
We regret that personal pages cannot be broadcast through the Park, but you can leave messages for other members of your party at Guest Relations.
Our parking is located on Sainte-Hélène Island. Click here for more information about our parking.
Information desk and customer service
You have additional questions or just want to know what events are taking place today, go to the information desk located at the main entrance. A member of our team will be happy to assist you.
You will also find several services :
– Information about our accessibility program
– Official size measurement with bracelets
– Found items
– Lost children
Walk around La Ronde with kids in your arms can be tiring and that is why we offer you the opportunity to rent strollers, on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can find single and double strollers at two designated counters. The first one is located at the main entrance at your left once you passed the turnstiles. It is clearly visible between the Comptoir de renseignements and the rental counter lockers. At the Villa entrance, you will find the strollers at the Marchand du Village shop, once again at your left once you have passed the turnstiles. The fees for the location are:
Simple stroller | $12 |
Double stroller | $16 |
Taxes are includes. ID card is required for the rental. You can pay with a debit or credit card to rent the strollers.
The Flash Pass
Virtually reserve your place in the queue and save time with the Flash Pass! For more information about the Flash Pass, click the button below.
Every day we welcome guests with disabilities in our park. La Ronde strives to make sure that Six Flags is fun and accessible for everybody. It is possible to rent wheelchairs at the main entrance between the information counter and the locker counter right at your left once you went through the turnstiles. The fee for the location is:
Wheelchair | $16 |
Taxes are included. An ID card is required for the rental. You can pay by cash or credit card to rent the wheelchairs. Since the number of wheelchairs is limited, we suggest that you bring your own or that you arrive early to make sure there is one available for you. Please note that the location of a wheelchair doesn’t guarantee an access to the rides. We invite you to consult our complete policy and all the information concerning the reception of guests with disabilities by clicking below.
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Check our page with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).